Breaking Down the Best Pieces Available on Decades

Buying vintage designer clothing online can be a great experience, and that’s how many people start to build a wardrobe of beloved luxury brands. The problem is when you want to sell garments from your luxury closet. Where do you start? What pieces are the best ones for the resale market? What will make you money and what won’t?

Sell Pre-owned Clothes Online

It can be a little tricky figuring out how to sell pre-owned clothes online, but there are some tips that you can use. This article is going to cover those, so let’s get started.

What to Sell

There are certain pieces that will always make money when you resell them. Here are some factors to look at when deciding what pieces to sell:

1. Vintage

When deciding what pieces to sell, do a little research and determine if you have any vintage pieces. These garments are items from previous eras and are usually at least a few decades old. Any interesting pieces or designer pieces will probably sell really well, but keep in mind that fast-fashion and low-quality items are not worth much.

Sell Vintage Pieces

Sometimes it’s hard to decide what vintage pieces you should hold on to, but anything from a well-known brand or designer is usually a good bet. You can try looking for vintage pieces at local thrift stores to resell later, however, beware that something is probably not worth much money if it was manufactured in the last decade or so.

2. Quality

A well-made garment will not only sell better, it will last longer as well. Designer pieces tend to hold their value quite well because of their level of quality, from the material to the stitching. If you want to sell any non-designer clothing for more money, you’ll need to ensure they are of the same high-quality craftsmanship.

Sell Good Quality Clothes

High-quality vintage pieces might include cashmere sweaters, leather jackets, and fitted suits. Ensure that the garment you are selling looks high-end. Also, keep in mind that sometimes people will buy brands that they know, but aren’t actually high quality (think of something like Juicy Couture). You might be able to sell those items for higher prices as well.

3. Condition

Condition matters when it comes to selling pre-owned designer pieces. Make sure that all of your items are clean and in good condition, as this is what buyers expect. It is best to try to fix small tears or stains because those can turn someone away from buying the piece.

4. Brand

Brand matters when you’re selling top designer items, and it is an area where many people get tricked into selling things that are actually knockoffs, especially fine jewelry and designer bags. Be sure to look up details of the real item, including the retail price, before you buy designer handbags or other luxury items to resell.

You don’t necessarily have to sell the same brands found in high-end department stores; sometimes, real high-quality pieces can be from less expensive designers. Just ensure that the brand is known for being a good one and holds monetary value.

5. Age

The valuable age of a piece is different for each brand, but you can usually expect items made over 20 years ago to be worth more money.

6. Accessories

Most luxury designers make both clothing and accessories. Designers have so many accessories that it can be hard to keep track of them all. When selling designer items, you need to consider whether or not the item is a part of a set.

Selling Designer Items

For example, you are looking to sell fine jewelry, make sure to sell all pieces of a set together. This will make a big difference in price because people will pay more for complete sets and coordinated looks.

7. How Much is It Worth?

When you are deciding on prices for you pre-owned designer clothing, make sure you don’t always set lower prices. This can make it seem like you are selling luxury fakes or items that aren't in good condition. If they are over 40 years old, a buyer will expect them to cost more than a similar piece from a new line at a department store.

How Much Is It Worth

Conversely, don't always go for higher prices either as that can make your items seem unapproachable. If you're unsure of the value, it's better to start with lower prices than you think and gradually increase as people respond to your listings.

Where to Sell It

There are several places where you can sell designer clothes and luxury bags online, but where do you get the best results? Here are some options for you:

1. Online Auctions

Auctions work well because everyone will see who your potential buyers are, and it gives them a chance to bid their highest price so they can get the item for themselves. If you don't have enough money to give as a down payment, then an online auction will not work for you.

Online Auctions

When choosing the online auction site that you want to use, ensure you know which site has the kind of audience that will have interest in the type of items you are selling. To do that, it is best to look at previous listings or search Google for an online auction site's community page.

2. Online Marketplaces and Stores

Online marketplaces and stores give sellers various options, but they usually require them to pay to use the service. It can be worth it because it will increase your exposure to potential customers, but beware that this might not be the best option if you want to sell an item right away.

The majority of the resale websites are either classified ads or auction sites. These online services allow you to post your designer pieces and interested buyers contact you with their highest offer.

3. Your Store

It might take some time to set up your online store, but this will give you much more freedom to manage it. It is also one of the best ways to reach a larger audience and potentially make more money because people tend to buy luxury items from an official store more often than from a small online marketplace.

Set Up Your Online Store

Steps to creating your store:

Get a Domain Name

You will need to have your domain name to put it on your business cards, your stationery, and any other promotional materials for your store. This is easy to do online on websites like GoDaddy or Bluehost, but if you don't have the money to register one right now, there are also free websites that you can use to put up your store.

Set Up Your Logo

Next, you will have to create an online presence for your business. This will involve setting up a logo, so people know it is official and not just someone selling items on the side of the road somewhere. There are many free services like Logo Maker, which offers a variety of free fonts and backgrounds for you to use when designing your logo.

Start Your Website

Now that you have created everything online, it is time to get started with the fun part — putting up your store to enable shopping online! If you want to go the straightforward route (and keep your costs down), you can create a store on a free website like Etsy or Store Envy.

Even if it takes some time, building your online shop from scratch is best because it will give you control over everything (including the design and how it all looks).

Give Your Shop Some Personality

Even though many people go to these sites to browse and see if there is anything they like, it is good to add some personality and flair to your store. This will encourage people to want unique things and not just the same generic stuff that everyone else seems to be selling.

Start Selling!

Now that you have an attractive logo and a great online presence, it is time to sell designer clothes online. You can do this by going on sites like eBay and Etsy and setting up a seller account.

These services are not free, but they will make your business look professional while helping you get into the second-hand designer clothing market.

4. Flea Markets and Clothing Stores

Flea markets and clothing stores can be a good way to sell your designer pieces, but do keep in mind that this is usually going to require some physical interaction on your end.

If you're not comfortable with people coming into your home or dealing with them in a public place, then you might want to pass on this one.

Flea Markets and Clothing Stores

When selling at a flea market, you can either rent a space for a specific time or write your items down on a list and see how many people come out to get them. This way, you can try selling different clothing styles depending on the weather or season, which will help attract more customers.

5. Local and Online Consignment Stores

Consignment stores take your pieces and then sell them for you, but it usually requires that they take a cut of the profit to do so. If you're okay with this, this can be a good option for you because they are popular.

Local and Online Consignment Stores

6. Social Media

There are plenty of designer pages on sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest that you can use to post your items for sale. This makes it easy for people to see your pieces right away, but it's essential to know that this might not be the best option for you.

If you don't have an established page with followers, it can be hard to convince people that your merchandise is legit.

7. Direct Sales

This means selling directly to people rather than through a third party online or offline. It's a good way to move large quantities of clothes quickly and the most profitable choice, but it can be difficult for people who aren't comfortable approaching potential buyers.

8. Sell Clothing to Vintage Stores

Some people prefer buying vintage designer clothing at an actual brick and mortar store, which is why you might want to sell your pieces at a vintage shop. It's important to know that this market is niche and might not be the most profitable option for you, but it can work if you have the right kind of pieces.

Sell Clothing to Vintage Stores

7. Trade Your Pieces For Other Things

Another good way to get rid of your designer items is by trading them for other things, either online or offline. Sites like Swap, for example, are good places to do that, however, this requires other people to have things that you want.

8. Hold a Clothing Event

Holding an event for selling your clothing, like a luxury garage sale, is an excellent way to sell lots of items quickly. Depending on your area, it can be time-consuming and difficult to set up, but it can help you move more pieces.

Also, it's important to remember that not everything you do will work. You might want to try different luxury brands until you find the thing that works best for your location, style, and personality.

Get Started Today

When it comes to selling designer clothes online, keep in mind that there are many options but finding the right one can help you get the best results. If you aren't sure, it's important to remember that starting with a lower price is easier to sell than starting with a higher price. Think about your comfort level when meeting potential buyers and how quickly you want to sell your pieces.

If you are looking to sell designer pieces and you don't have the time or energy to do it yourself, reach out to Decades, Inc. We are a well-established consignment store that specializes in designer clothing, luxury bags, and more. We can do all the work for you and have a loyal clientele so you can be sure your pieces will be sold to someone who will love it as much as you.

Visit our website to learn more about consigning with us!

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