Clothing Care Guide: How to Take Care of Your Favorite Clothing Items

Clothing Care Guide

Fashion is a way for you to express yourself and show the world who you are. Each clothing item you choose is a reflection of your personality and individual style. Whether you prefer to wear vintage band T-shirts and jeans or designer dress shirts and high-waisted trousers, you'll want to rewear your favorite items as much as possible.

To ensure that your investment pieces last for years to come, it's crucial to take proper care of them. That's why we've created these clothing care tips to help you keep your clothes fresh and your wardrobe looking its best.

Clothing Care Tips

First and foremost, it's important to read the care labels before you wash clothes. These labels contain vital information on how to care for your garments, including dry cleaning, machine washing, and ironing instructions. By following the clothing labels, you can avoid damaging your clothes and extend their lifespan.

Washing and Drying

When it comes to washing garments, always separate your whites from your darks and colors to avoid color bleeding. Use a liquid laundry detergent and wash your clothes on a gentle wash cycle to prevent shrinkage and fading. For delicate fabrics such as silk or lace, avoid using washing machines. Instead, hand wash them with a mild liquid detergents in cold water for best results. Also, air dry them outside or inside on a drying rack to avoid the heat and movement of a dryer.


Ironing your clothes is an important step in keeping them looking fresh and wrinkle-free. However, it's important to use the correct heat setting for each fabric. Cotton and linen can withstand high heat, while delicate materials such as silk and chiffon require a lower heat setting. Always iron your clothes inside out to prevent damage to the fabric and avoid ironing over embellishments or prints.


Storing your clothes properly is also crucial to ensuring that they remain in pristine condition. Hanging clothes on sturdy hangers will help avoid stretching or misshaping. For delicate garments such as knitwear, fold them and store them in a drawer to prevent snagging. It's also essential to store your clean clothes in a cool and dry place to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Investing in high-quality clothing materials is a smart decision, but it's equally important to take care of them. By following these clothing care tips, you can extend the lifespan of your clothes and keep them looking as good as new.

Shop for Pre-Loved Items in Great Condition at Decades

At Decades, Inc., we understand the passion, sustainability, and art that high fashion allows clients to engage with in their own lives. That's why we offer luxury consignment and designer consignment pieces that are pre-loved and curated to meet the highest standards of quality and style. By choosing pre-loved pieces, you're contributing to a circular economy that reduces waste and supports a more sustainable future.

Taking care of your clothes is essential to maintaining their quality and ensuring their longevity. We believe that fashion should be a reflection of your individuality and style, and we're committed to providing you with the best pre-loved and curated pieces that meet the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

Look through our collection today to start adding to your wardrobe!

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